10 Minute Novelists was the brain-child of Katharine Grubb. Homeschooling mother-of-five, she wanted to write a novel, but could only find pockets of a few minutes here and there. So she started a blog called the 10 Minute Writer. She shared her struggles, including the fateful day she broke her ankle and became couch -bound. That’s when she decided to join Twitter and Facebook to connect with fellow time-crunched writers.
And thus 10 Minute Novelists was born. Word of an advertising-free Facebook group where writers could learn from one another spread like wild-fire. Katharine was approached to write the book, Write a Novel in 10 Minutes a Day. As the book took off more writers joined, and in the spring of 2016 Writer’s Digest named us one of the Top 101 Websites for Authors.
The rest is a blur. We created the annual 365 Writing Challenge to help writers develop the habit of writing. Katharine has written two more guides for writers–Conquering Twitter in 10 Minutes a Day and When the Timer Dings.
We have run two conferences – the first in Cincinnati, Ohio with Donald Maass, James Scott Bell, and Janice Hardy as speakers. The second online in 2021 with Angela Ackerman, Tex Thomson, Eric Smith, and Steven James as speakers.
In 2021 Katharine stepped back from the reins of the group, leaving us in the capable hands of Ian McAllister.